This is a time-saving search containing the DBA-FBN Records, FEIN-Tax ID Records, and Corporate Records searches in one.
Coverages and sources vary between these 3 business searches, so rather than running them individually, it saves time and money (these searches have a fee regardless of hit or not) to run the combo report.
"Less is More" applies when entering search criteria, to save you time and get better results.
- To find all of the businesses tied to a person, you can run this search by first name/last name or name & state.
- To find the officers and agents of a company, run by business name. Leave off "LLC" or ", Inc." for best results.
- You can even run this search by address, to find the company at that address, with the officer information. When running by address, you can leave off street designations, such as "Avenue" and zip code.
The search results will show the Record Type on the right side of the blue summary line, if the result was pulled from a FEIN, US Corp, or New Business Filing record.
If further information is needed, there is a button in the bottom right of the record to run the Comprehensive Report off of the Combined Business Search.
The Comprehensive Business Report returns a business profile, which can include the business summary, employees, associated businesses at the addresses, UCC filings, and domains associated with the addresses. It can also provide asset and court record for the company, as well as for each of the officers / agents.