Best practices when running a Premium People Search.
Less is More on this search. Rather than filling out every box of search criteria, you can save time and get better results by entering minimal information. The system will search in order by: 1. Person ID, 2. SSN, 3. phone number, 4. email, before it looks at any other search criteria. If you input all of these items, the system may ignore some of the criteria entered, and return results in favor of this ranked information.
If you have the SSN, enter just the SSN and search. If no SSN is available, best practice would be to run first & last name and state. A subject with a common name could warrant inputting more information, such as a middle name, city, or date of birth. If you include the full date of birth, follow the format mm/dd/yyyy. When the full DOB is not available, you may use just year of birth, entering the 4 digit year in the DOB box.
To find who has lived at an address, run just the address. When running addresses, it is best to leave off directional information (west, SE), street designations (Rd, Lane, Cir) and zip code. For example, if the address is 102 NW 23rd St, Tampa, FL 33601, enter:
Street Address: 102 23rd
City: Tampa
State: FL
Leave off the county when running a full address. Use the county or zip code only if you are running by name without the full street address. Run name, county, and state; or just run name and zip code.
The counties and cities the subject has lived in are listed in the 3rd column. If there are multiple subjects returned, use CTRL+F to help filter through to find the subjects in your target city/county. Further validation can be done by then checking the address history listed towards the bottom of the 3rd column, to see if there's a match between information you may already have on the subject.
Tracers has live customer support available by phone Monday - Friday 9 AM - 6 PM eastern. Please call or email if you would like assistance with a search or have any questions. We love to help!