What is a Reference Tag?

This article explains what a reference tag is and how to use it.

The reference tag is for your own bookkeeping, to make it easier to track your work and find searches in your search history.

It can be found on any search as one of the criteria fields: 

Prior to running a search, you can enter the matter number or case/client name - whatever you would typically use to keep track of your work.

Later on, when you are going through your search history, you can filter the searches by typing that reference tag in the "Search For" box. It will then show only the searches you ran that include that reference tag, along with the costs associated with those searches.

Account administrators can also view the search history for all of the users on their account through the administration dashboard.  On the account search history, admins can filter all users' searches by reference tag, to make expense tracking and client billing easier. 

For further information on how to find your search history: https://help.tracers.com/knowledge/how-do-i-find-my-search-history